Sometimes I interact with people in my life, significant people, who have very little memory of the events we have shared whereas I have excruciatingly detailed memories.... This can be a problem. It can make me feel like I am the only one awake, the only one not erasing my experience. It is a broken mirror when you see someone as a fuller past continuity than they see you. You live in me more deeply, Person, than I live in you and is it pointless to ask why? Maybe it is useful to know why the grass is green, and why you don't remember that we've already been here before that you've already said these words before that you're following a script except I'm the only who knows it.
What is this scripted nonsense--can't you hear yourself? Listen, listen, be your own best audience. Let's keep it fresh, growing, spontaneous, improvisational...let's write new lines, new plays, unearth each other in new ways. I am not your deja-bot, I want to shine not like your PTSD but like glistening possibility.