Upon driving out of New York City...a nature-seeking refugee...
"There's a good moon tonight"
he says
you'll see it on the porch
And I sigh with the froganimalinsect
noise rhythms that gyrate so fully
No subway pattern here
or drunken partiers
just this and my thoughts
And the peaceful perfect...
I answer that I'm coming from New York
he says I'm sorry
New York City
I'm doubly sorry then.
There's a good moon tonight
and it fills my eye with hope
and I'll hold it ever close
anywhere and everywhere.
"There's a good moon tonight"
he says
you'll see it on the porch
And I sigh with the froganimalinsect
noise rhythms that gyrate so fully
No subway pattern here
or drunken partiers
just this and my thoughts
And the peaceful perfect...
I answer that I'm coming from New York
he says I'm sorry
New York City
I'm doubly sorry then.
There's a good moon tonight
and it fills my eye with hope
and I'll hold it ever close
anywhere and everywhere.