Thursday, June 18, 2009

power trips and paninis

Hello Paris. You are a sparkling majestic damsel of a city that always lives in my heart and charms me into sighing at your never-waning,
at your never waning.
You are perfect and blue and dark dark like night when
your brasseries beam and your falafel joints wink
turkish, eurasian, african, subsumed under versace
and versailles.
You pull me into your rich arms and taunt me,
a reckless lover, never another
as full of luxurious svelte
melt me, dear city of de-lights
open up your beggar's palms and cathedral calls
take me under the bridge,
curve me up the thighs of your boats,
swallow me into your jazzy caverns
and crevices creeping with people
little ants in the fantasy maze.
I crawl to you and propose
have me.

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