Sunday, July 17, 2011

calling on my orisha, my baba yaga, my hatikva

I found this incantation/prayer to Yemaya, goddess of the sea, who last year was identified for me as my orixa. The sea has always been the most powerful, soothing, and grounding force for me. It's energy peaks my own and when I am in it I am a mermaid.:

Yemaya. Mother, goddess of the Sea,
Be in this place, come forth unto me,
Lady of the oceans, the lakes, and the rivers,
Beautiful Queen, ebb and flow bringer,
Heal my mind, my body
my soul.
For with your sweet love, I become whole.
Ashe, Great Mother

Even seeing that blue depth from my window is soothing and perfect. I have missed you so, sweet ocean power. The sea, seeing and not seeing it, feeling its energy near me. The sea, the sea, the sea.

I give thanks. I don blue today and in my heart, the blue of endless possibility, and believe that the world will open its depths to me if I just give it a little patience, a little care. I believe that there is poetry out there, and it awaits me. Poetry on the doorstep of my heart. Poetry that will tear us clean and new. Words that strip the pain and bring the light, I believe in hearts that heal each other and hands that warm each other and minds that help each other. I believe that some day we will be without a catch, ready for a better day. I believe that in this path we wretch, there is a better hand to play.

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