Sunday, August 6, 2017

Ponderings from the porch of a Virginia Wildlife Refuge

Upon driving out of New York City...a nature-seeking refugee...

"There's a good moon tonight"
he says
you'll see it on the porch

And I sigh with the froganimalinsect
noise rhythms that gyrate so fully

No subway pattern here
or drunken partiers
just this and my thoughts

And the peaceful perfect...

I answer that I'm coming from New York
he says I'm sorry
New York City
I'm doubly sorry then.

There's a good moon tonight
and it fills my eye with hope
and I'll hold it ever close
anywhere and everywhere.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Feed the soul.

What to say? I'm waiting for Geico to jumpstart my car while I jumpstart my life? There's a battery that runs in the soul...feed it ladies and gents. After a year of throwing myself into an MFA program in New York while continuing with the last bouts of my PhD Program in Chicago and at the start of the summer looking at my dissertation and hiding in a hibernatory depression of terror I've re-emerged. It's all good. I'm ready to re-believe that.
I'll follow a mantra or make a new one as time goes on. I'll keep trying to meditate which is in so many ways what meditation and life is: continuing to try try, try. That's the important thing they say. Bring your mind back. Don't fret.
I've brought my mind back to this little junkyard of thoughts where a few lost internet lonelies see them on occasion. Don't take it personally. I appreciate your readership and it's smallness. This is probably the closest to an open-hearted post I've written and it's still got all kinds of shadows that distort the fullness that I save for poems or fictional characters.
I'm wearing a swimsuit under my dress, that's a good sign yes? Today I'll frolick and in another I'll plunge into work hoping to be free of it at some point? Our chosen prisons and liberations. And hopefully room to breathe